Set in Madrid, the first two seasons of the show follows a mysterious man known as “The Professor” (Alvaro Morte) who recruits a group of eight people, who choose cities for code-names, to carry out an ambitious plan of robbing the Royal Mint of Spain.
In the next two seasons, the group are forced out of hiding and find themselves preparing for a second heist, this time on the Bank of Spain, as they again deal with hostages and police forces.
The show’s cast also include Ursula Cobero (Tokyo), Itziar Ituno (Lisbon), Pedro Alonso (Berlin), Miguel Herran (Rio), Jaime Lorente (Denver), Esther Acebo (Stockholm), Enrique Arce (Arturo), Darko Peric (Helsinki), Hovik Keuchkerian (Bogota), Luka Peros (Marseille), Belen Cuesta (Manila), Fernando Cayo (Coronel Tamayo), Rodrigo de la Serna (Palermo) and Najwa Nimri (Inspector Sierra).
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