Bridegroom performs newlywed wife’s last rites in Bihar - Expert News
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Bridegroom performs newlywed wife’s last rites in Bihar

Bridegroom performs newlywed wife’s last rites in Bihar
Written by Expert News


Happiness over a newly-wed couple’s marriage in Bihar’s Munger district turned into gloom when the bride lost her life within 6 hours of solemni­sing the marriage. As a result, the bride’s body was taken for cremation on Monday morning from her in-laws’ house with the husband performing her last rites.

The family of Ranjan Yadav alias Ranjay was happy and excited about the wedding of Nisha Kumari in Khudia village. As per the scheduled time the wedding procession of Suresh Yadav’s son and bridegroom Ravish arrived from Mahakola village on May 8 and the marr­i­a­ge was solemnis­ed. A few people had attended following requisite Covid guide­lines. After the marriage, Nisha became ill. The families hurriedly admitted her to a com­m­unity centre in Tarapur from where the doctors referred her to Bhagalpur as she was critical.

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Bihar's Munger district Bridegroom covid-19 Last rites newlywed wife

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