A digital marketing plan is always a document collating the facts for your marketing activities or plans. It details, amongst others: short, medium and long terms business objectives. The plans on how to reach the objectives in the digital dimension. The digital marketing plan will include one or more pages that will include: a definition of the term digital marketing, the description of the market and audience, the marketing structure and the strategy. It is generally concretised in the single page format, although it can be divided into chapters.
The foundation of any digital marketing plan consists of the overall strategy. The key goals of your marketing structure must be defined in a concrete way. The strategy will then give direction to the other elements of the digital marketing plan, which is: the strategy, the foundation and the execution of the strategy. Each of these sections has its own relevance. When they are all working together, the result is an effective digital marketing strategy that benefits your business.
The strategy will take into account whether you are in the early stages of development, or have a well-developed product. This is because the strategy is what will drive your measurable results. In this case, it will define your goals, the number of people targeted, the medium of communication used and even the measurement of results.
Measurement is the process of finding out where you are currently and where you need to go with your objectives. The foundation of any digital marketing plan also includes the measurement of goals, as well as the positioning of those goals within the bigger picture. This is the heart of the digital marketing strategy, and where the focus should lie.

Measurement is not just about setting metrics. It is also about analyzing where you are today and moving forward. To do this, it would be prudent to track the conversations that take place in your social media channels. You might also want to track the performance of your email campaigns. All these will tell you where your digital marketing plan already stands.
As your digital marketing plan becomes more developed, the next thing that you will need to look at is the implementation of that strategy. This can be done by way of the analytics. The analytics can tell you where your traffic is coming from, where it’s going and even how you are performing in certain segments. The analytics can also inform you which keywords are doing best for you. You can use these data in the form of tactical SEO, or using the data to help you optimize the content and tactics that you have set up for your SEO efforts. From here, you will be able to refine your strategy, which will lead to more conversions and better positioning of your goals within the larger platform of your digital marketing plan.
When it comes to the execution of your digital marketing plan, there is also a need to stay on top of what your competitors are doing. It would be smart to see what keywords they are ranking for and strive for that position. What’s more, you can make use of the same strategies for your own strategy. For instance, if you notice that your competitor is also trying to dominate the niche that you are focusing on, you can always work towards that position and attempt to do better.

Digital marketing automation also plays a big role in helping you achieve success in your plan based business. You don’t have to sit in front of the computer all day just like most people do. With digital marketing automation, you can automate your tasks and set goals for yourself. You can automate tasks such as email campaigns, social media marketing campaigns, lead nurturing and retargeting. This would help you save a lot of time, money and effort.
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