International Mother’s Day 2021: Celebrated around the world as a day to honour mothers, and motherly bonds within the family, International Mother’s Day is an important occasion that falls on the second Sunday of May every year. As such, it does not have a fixed date, and this year, it will be celebrated on May 9.
Why is it celebrated?
Mothers deserve to be celebrated every day. Not just in India but even around the world, they do not often get their due. Their tireless contributions towards the family, the many sacrifices made by them are worthy of a mention and acknowledgement. Mother’s Day, as such, comes as a reminder to think about mothers, and mother-like figures in our life, who inspire us every day, and make us want to be better people.
It is believed the modern Mother’s Day celebration first began in the US, when a woman by the name of Anna Jarvis wanted the day to be commemorated because her own mother had expressed such a desire.
When she passed away, Jarvis took up the initiative and held a memorial for her, circa 1908, three years after her death. It was done at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in West Virginia. It is said while she herself did not attend it, she sent a telegram to the attendees, highlighting the significance of the day, along with five hundred white carnations.
What started as Jarvis’ way of honouring her mother, got picked up by other countries over the years, as a way to love, cherish and honour mothers everywhere.
Today, with a pandemic raging on, it is all the more important for you to hold your mother close, and tell her how much she means to you. If you have someone who is like a mother to you, remind them of their importance, and do something special for them — like play them their favourite movie, cook them a meal, or simply pamper them — today.

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