How to Get Free Articles For Blogs

If you are looking to promote your blog in the best way possible then one of the ways to do that is to write as many articles as you can for free. Articles are the best way to convey the right information about your blog. Once written, they can be used on many different webpages with the only out of pocket expense being the time spent writing the articles.

There are two different types of articles that you can write for blogs. The first type of article is called a bio box. This is basically a small paragraph that you insert into your article that relates to your blog. This can be very useful when you want to get people interested in your blog. It tells what your blog is about, why readers should visit and what the benefits are. The other type of article that you can write for free is called an article summary.

This is an extremely important part of your free articles for blogs as it is what helps to attract readers to your blog’s website. When writing your article summary you should highlight a few key points. These points could include the link to your blog’s website or just a catchy statement that grabs the reader’s attention. Your summary should also include a few recommendations so that readers feel inclined to follow those links.

Another great idea for inserting a link is to include a direct link to your blog in your articles. Many bloggers don’t place their links anywhere in their posts, so you may not notice them. However, you will when you do a search for blogspot keywords. When you do a search for blogspot keywords, there is a drop down box where you can choose from several different options. This will include links to a number of blogs including yours.

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It’s best not to use the same anchor text for every link in your article. Using your website URL with the name of your blog is preferable but using your blog’s name will also cause problems if you have multiple blogs. So I always suggest using your blog’s name with the links back to your site. It may take a little bit longer to find links but in the end you will have more links back to your site.

When you’re doing your free articles for blogs you are also going to need to add a couple of blurbs about your website and yourself into the article. You can insert these blurb into the middle of your article or at the end. Blurbs give your article more credibility since they provide some useful information in the body of the article. Also this can be used as a great selling point when you are submitting your article to other article directories. So don’t forget to put that blurb in there!

Finally you are going to want to make sure that your links back to your site are placed at the right places. You want to make sure that your resource box at the end of your article is placed at the very bottom of your article and your links to your site should be clickable. Doing your research ahead of time will save you a lot of time later on. Just Google your keywords and try to find as many blog sites as you can that have articles on the same topic as your own.

That is all there is to it. If you follow these three simple steps then you are set to have some free articles for blogs. Just make sure that your blog is regularly updated with new content and you will soon start to see some money coming in!

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