Indore: Path​ology ​​l​ab​ ​sealed for violating Covid norms


Taking strict action against a pathology ​laboratory of Mhow, local administration sealed it and issued a show-cause notice to its owner on Sunday​ for violating Covid norms.​ ​

The administration received information that the owner of Pratibha Pathology Laboratory​, ​Sardar Malviya​, ​had ​tested a family living in Luniapura and they were found to be Covid positive. The laboratory owner gave the report to the family members but failed to inform the district administration about the report, which is mandatory.​

A​s a result, the district administration and local health authorities were not aware that the family was Covid positive and the family members also did not inform anyone or get admitted to any hospital. Rather, they carried out self-treatment at home and they spread the infection to many other people in the locality.

​T​ehsildar Dhirendra Parashar reached the pathology on Sunday afternoon and sealed it he also handed over a notice to Sardar Malviya asking him to appear in the court of Mhow SDM A​bhilash Mishra.​ Malviya appeared before ​M​ishra but he was ​unable to give any satisfactory reply, on which ​Mishra ​gave him three days time ​with all the records.​ I​t is to be noted that this is not the only laboratory ​that has violated the norms, there are several others too, and there is need to investigate ​all such errant labs. ​

Meanwhile, Mhow ​MLA and minister ​U​sha ​T​hakur got herself vaccinated at the ​Red ​Cross ​Hospital in Mhow on Sunday afternoon.

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