Madhya Pradesh: Despite the administration’s counseling, three villages record no vaccination

The team immediately raided the place and seized large cache of medicines. However, the quack identified as Samrat Sarkar managed to flee. He ran business and a hospital from his house located near village sarpanchís residence.

During preliminary investigation, it was revealed that Samrat had put six to seven cots and treated villagers there. Villagers informed that whenever there was health problem, they visited his place and he used to administered saline bottles. The administration team did not find medical degree from his place.

Villagers told team that he used to threaten villagers and would ask them not to take vaccines. Fearing him, villagers did not take them.

After raid, administration and health department officials counselled villagers and told them that vaccine is well tested and safe for human being. But even after that no villagers ready to take vaccine.

Block medical officer Arvind Kirade was present along with the team at Baigore village, but they failed to convince villagers to go for vaccination.

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