Madhya Pradesh: Outsourced staff of power department boycott work - Expert News
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Madhya Pradesh: Outsourced staff of power department boycott work

Madhya Pradesh: Outsourced staff of power department boycott work
Written by Expert News

Bhopal: About 45,000 employees working through outsourced companies in the electricity department across the state have gone on strike demanding Corona Warrior status.

A letter was issued on May 8 by the electricity department declaring that all employees of the department working at Covid Care Centres have been included in Corona Warrior category.

The Outsourced Employees’ Union had demanded a clarification from the officials whether all employees on duty would be included in it or not. However, officials of the department maintained a studied silence over the issue.

Convener of the Electricity Outsourced Employees’ Union Rahul Malviya said that all employees working on the field should be declared Corona Warriors. “We’ve been conducting all duties amid all kinds of people, including corona suspects. We’re putting our lives at risk and trying to maintain uninterrupted power supply. Despite that, we’re being given short shrift,” said Malviya.

State president of the Outsourced Employees’ Union Manoj Bhargava said that they had organised only a one-day token strike considering the Covid crisis to press their demands. “We urge the government to do away with outsourced system of employment. We’ve given 15 days’ time to the government to consider our demands,” he added.

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Corona electricity Malviya

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