In Sarvan case has been registered against one Bengali doctor from West Bengal earlier for prescribing medicines to the patients. All these were raided by Sailana tehsildar Arun Chandravanshi.
According to information, at Sailana village, Jitendra Sanghavi, 51, owner of jewellery shop was found violating the norms.
During preliminary investigation it was revealed that Saghavi preparing jewellery for the wedding and selling to the buyers at an arbitrary price.
On the sudden arrival of the team, the customers ran away from the jewelers shop. The jewelers had opened the shutter and kept the channel closed, so that the jewellery could be given from the channel gate and money could be taken.
The administration also came to know that only a few distance away, the containment zone was created due to the presence of a corona patient. But jewelers flouting the norm.
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