Madhya Pradesh: To get rid of sewage problem, bio-digester used at Dal Lake could be used at Upper Lake, suggests DRDO scientist - Expert News

Madhya Pradesh: To get rid of sewage problem, bio-digester used at Dal Lake could be used at Upper Lake, suggests DRDO scientist

Differences between bio-digester & STP

Comparing it with the sewage treatment plant (STP), Tomar said that the STP uses aerobic bacteria and degrades the matter in four stages. Moreover, it uses electricity, whereas the biodigester technology is environment friendly, maintenance-free and efficient without depending upon conventional energy sources. The effluent gets rid of most of the pathogens. The STP requires recurring costs to run.

The same experiment was repeated at the houseboats in Dal Lake in Shrinagar that has made the lake cleaner. “Biodigesters are now extensively used in the coastal areas to stop effluents from flowing into the sea. Now, it’s being installed at apartments, hospitals, hotels and schools, as well,” said the DRDO scientist.

Considering the population of a place, multiple units of biodigesters could be installed. The scientist said that the DRDO could be approached through phone or email by anyone interested in it, including the state government.

How does bio-digester work?

  • The DRDO developed the bio-digester that utilises anaerobic bacteria which feed upon the faecal matter inside the tank and finally degrade the matter

  • Army units stationed at high altitudes are now using this technique to keep the place hygienic and environment friendly

DRDO ready for chemical, biological, or nuke warfare

  • The DRDO has developed various kits to detect and protect any type of chemical, biological or nuclear warfare

  • It has put up a stall at the ongoing Sarthak EduVision event at the RCPV Academy of Administration

  • ‘Corona could be an example of bio-warfare. If such gases, viruses or bacteria attack, the Indian Army is well-equipped to deal with it,’ said scientist Tomar

  • Kits on anthrax, glanders and so forth are on display to attract students for research in the field

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