A 25-year-old man was allegedly assaulted by four men at Saki Naka in Andheri (E) on Thursday night over a previous feud between them. While the accused quadruple have been booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code for attempt to murder, assault, criminal intimidation and common intention, police are on the lookout for them.
According to police sources, the incident occurred near 90 feet road at Saki Naka on Thursday night, at around 9.30 pm, when the victim, Sarojkumar Soni was walking down the street with his brother Rajeshkumar. A group of four men approached Sarojkumar and ensued in a verbal squabble with him, which soon escalated and turned into an assault, wherein the accused men hit the victim with fisticuffs, attacked his hand and hit him on the head with an iron rod, in an attempt to kill him.
Soon after the incident, the accused men escaped and the locals helped Rajeshkumar to take his brother to the civic-run hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, Rajeshkumar approached Saki Naka Police and lodged a complaint against the four men, acting on which they were booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code for attempt to murder (section 307), voluntarily causing hurt (section 323), voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons (section 323), intentional insult (section 504), criminal intimidation (section 506) and common intention (section 34).
Police are investigating the matter and have scrutinised the CCTV camera footage to nab the accused. However, no arrests have been made yet.
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