'My tweets are either for humanity or countrymen': Irrfan Pathan hits back at Kangana for questioning his silence - Expert News
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‘My tweets are either for humanity or countrymen’: Irrfan Pathan hits back at Kangana for questioning his silence

'My tweets are either for humanity or countrymen': Irrfan Pathan hits back at Kangana for questioning his silence
Written by Expert News

Sharing it, Kangana added: “Muslims all over the world standing for Hamas Jihadis and terrorists for their Islam but Hindus or Muslims no one said a word for Hindus genocide in Bengal or generally when they get killed in Pakistan or Bangladesh every other day this is the reality of Jai Chand Hindus and Islamists Hindus are impotent and for Muslims you only matter if you follow their aasmani book”

“More than 5o Islamismt countries in the world, for Hindus only India yet you can’t call it a Hindu nation….

Look at everyone who knows only one relationship that is of Islam if they know no other loyality and value system then ask yourself what is your value system?” she questioned.

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irrfan khan israel kangana ranaut Palestine

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