Nagpur remembers sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Good Friday

Nagpur: Christians across the city observed Good Friday with fasting and special mass, remembering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Several churches in the city hosted special services adhering Covid-19 norms. Many churches telecasted the services live on various platforms to avoid huge crowds.

Several people attended the event. The onlookers were seen wearing masks and maintaining social distance.

Good Friday, which falls on April 2 this year, is commemorated in the entire world for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is about remembering and recognising the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the belief that because of his death, the sin of the world was purged.

It is held after the Christian holy day of Maundy Thursday, which commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, and on a Friday before Easter Sunday.

Christians believe that in death, he took away all the sins of humankind. This day, people gather together to attend church services, pray for each other, and sing songs of worship.

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