The latest edition of Western Railway’s popular in-house magazine ‘Rail Darpan’, which has also earned the distinction of winning the prestigious National Award of India’s best in-house magazine from the hands of The President of India, instituted by the Rajbhasha Directorate of Home Ministry of Govt of India, was released by Alok Kansal– General Manager of W.Rly along with Tanuja Kansal – President of Western Railway Women’s Welfare Organization (WRWWO) and Alok Kumar – Additional General Manger of W. Rly at a function on 13th March, 2021 held at Railway Officer’s Club at Badhwar Park, Mumbai.
On this occasion, Kansal appreciated the overall efforts of the editorial team of ‘Rail Darpan’ and expressed his pleasure that this popular magazine has not only won many prestigious awards for its creative excellence but also has provided an excellent platform for the literary talents of Western Railway to express and share their views and creations. Various Principal Head of Departments, Office bearers of Western Railway Women’s Welfare Organization as well as several senior railway officers were also present on this occasion.
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