Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray is addressing the people of the state amid speculations of a lockdown in Maharashtra amid rising cases.
He said that people have become complacent and hence, “I cannot rule out imposing a lockdown if the current COVID-19 situation prevails.”
Stricter curbs to be imposed in 1-2 days:
>> We have been stuck in catch 22 situation. Lockdown leads to the economic crisis. There is need to take to streets to help health care workers and patients and not to oppose lockdown. Stricter curbs will be imposed from tomorrow or day after, the chief minister of Maharashtra said. “I will discuss with experts from various fields in next two days to find out alternative to lockdown.”
>> The chief minister informed that the number of beds has been increased to 3.75 lakh beds from a 8,000-10,000 during pre Covid times. In January end Mumbai was reporting 350 patients a day which has now gone up to 8,500 a day today. Next could be shortage of healthcare infrastructure in next 15-20 days, Thackeray added, questioning the availability of doctors and health care workers.
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