Crown-lengthening procedures: Also known as Gingivectomy, crown lengthening treatments are aesthetic procedures that are performed to extend the crown when enamels look short. In such treatments, the gum tissue or bone is extracted to expose more of the tooth, enabling the gums to withdraw into their appropriate position. This will bring about proportion to your teeth and gums both.
Jaw aesthetics: In cases where the jawline appears to be too large typically more than 7 mm of gum exposed, a bone shortening treatment known as Orthognathic surgery may be executed by an expert orthodontist and oral surgeon. This procedure includes surgically moving the entire jaw in the upward direction.
Lip aesthetics: If you have been suffering from a short or hyperactive upper lip, more of your gum will be visible when you smile. A lip repositioning procedure can assist in making your smile look less gummy.
Laser gum contouring: Gum contouring is a minimally invasive aesthetic dental procedure that involves the gentle yet accurate reshaping of the gum line. Making use of specialised dental lasers, your dental expert can remove the additional gum tissue. The remaining tissue is then reshaped to facilitate exposing more of your teeth, helping to avert a gummy smile.
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