Over the last couple of years, actress Kangana Ranaut headlined for slamming her contemporaries on Twitter. Be it ‘sasti copy’ Taapsee Pannu, or Priyanka Chopra during farmers protests, Deepika Padukone over mental health, or Swara Bhasker as a ‘B grade’ actress, Ranaut left no stone unturned in firing away what was on her mind.
Now, the actress has shared a video of her praising female B-town celebs like Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan and others.
She captioned the video as, “There is not a single actress in this industry who I have not supported or praised here is the proof, but none of them ever showed any support or praise for me, have you ever thought why? Why they gang up on me? Why this conspiracy to look through me and my work? Think hard.”
“I always indulged in my craft to an extent that I had no sense of time and space whenver I emerged from my little bubble I saw horrible PR around me by these women trying to make me look insecure and unsupportive, hence decided to be here on twitter for सीधी बात No बकवास”, she added in a subsequent tweet.
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