‘Find Y’: Pune Police takes a mathematical approach as they urge covidiots to stay home

Even as India’s medical infrastructure threatens to crumble and emergency service personnel find themselves working overtime to cope with the rising COVID-19 case load, others remain blissfully oblivious. Over the last year and a half, thousands of Indians have taken it upon themselves to explain by example why the word ‘covidiot’ is here to stay. Endowed with a seeming sense of invincibility, they wander the streets, socialise with abandon and sneer at the idea of wearing masks.

As the months passed, the police have on countless occasions hauled up citizens, imposing fines, making them do sit ups while holding their ears and more. Now, the Pune Police has resorted to mathematics. In a post shared on Thursday, officials resorted to algebra (after a fashion) as they try to explain to those wandering the city without any reason or justification. Keep in mind that the state is under a partial lockdown and this sort of behavior can attract penalties.

‘Find Y’ the police instructed, sharing a post where the quantum of punishment for violating Section 144 in the state is given. “We are also trying to ‘Find Y’ are some of you venturing out for NO reason. Not aware of the result of violating lockdown maybe?! The smarter ones can please ‘Find Y’ and let others know in the comments why they should Stay Home,” tweeted the Pune City Police CP.

In case you’re a tad mathematically challenged, Y is 2. If you’re found violating the imposition of Section 144, you be imprisoned for a maximum of six months, if convicted.

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