Indore: Swach​h​ata ​d​idi ​slaps eve-teaser,video of incident goes viral ​ - Expert News

Indore: Swach​h​ata ​d​idi ​slaps eve-teaser,video of incident goes viral ​


A video of ​a ​​​Swach​h​ata ​d​idi ​(IMC female sanitation worker) ​slapping ​a man and hitting him with her broom​, has gone viral in the social media​​​.

Most people who saw the video criticised the IMC worker’s action on the assumption that the elderly man had been slapped for throwing garbage, but Free Press investigated the case and found that it was a case of eve-teasing.

The incident took place on the road from Janjeerwala Square ​ going ​towards Industrial House trisection. The incident took place in the morning in front of Vrindavan Restaurant.

The people who witnessed the incident claimed that the man who is a senior citizen was slapped ​as he used to tease women sanitation workers of IMC regularly​.​

Aniket, who saw the incident, ​said the man used come there and whistle and make obscene gestures ​at the women. ​The moment the women oppose​d​ him ​used to run away from the place in his scooter.

He said on the incident day ​they were able to catch the man as he was eve-teasing them and slapped him to teach him a lesson.​

Rupesh, one of the security guards in the area ​also seconded that the man used to tease the sanitation workers.​

IMC officers unaware with the incident

The CSI (Zone 10) Saurab Sahu who is in​-​charge of all the sanitation workers said that he is unaware of ​the incident and said he will take action against the man if he was indeed eve-teasing the employees.​

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